So bear with us in this adjustment period.

III. NEW MATERIAL: Some of you may feel discouraged that material submitted does not appear in the next issue after you send it in. Please dont be. I have to alot the pages according to subject and length, so the right combination may not come about for 6 or 8 months. A number of stories that have been sent in and typed on the current size basis cannot be used in TVia itself prior to the switchover in size, so they will probably be printed in a book of short stories. Announcement will be made about this later. How- ever this is an appeal for more material for use in the new sized mag. It has to be typed in advance so send it in anytime. Par- ticularly I'd like to encourage the poetesses among us. We have had very little appropriate poetry come in, so how about it? Also any small half page articles, stories, jokes that are appro- priate etc. are welcome, as finishing up the last half of the last page of a story that stops in the middle of a page is something of a nuisance, so lend a hand.


FILM DEVELOPING: One of our girls is a pretty good photograph- er and has her own darkroom. She has offered to help solve a prob- lem that comes up every now and then. Some of you take shots and are then reluctant to send them to a local developer for fear of identification. So now if you will send your roll of film to Chev- alier with $2 I will have her develop and make one print of each for you and return it. This will give you more freedom in your shooting, but please--no shots that could be termed obscene etc. This is a well intended service, not a circumvention of the P.0. V. RESPONSE: I should like to thank the few of you who did as I suggested in #17 and wrote to the good judge in Chicago and the bad judge in Texas. Too bad more of you aren't given to taking some sort of active role in such matters.

V. OBITUARY: In the rush of getting #17 out I neglected to pass on the sad news of the passing of two more of our girls. One was Barbara of England who gave us the interesting story "60 Years a TV" in #16. Her story was in itself her best credit line. She had lived her life fully and enjoyed her feminine personality up to the end. A few weeks later there passed another that some of you knew, namely Jim Davidson--Ellen Robbins. Ellen was not a subscriber at the time of death as she had been having a rough go
